Monday, June 28, 2010

Vanishing Furniture

Our apartment is emptying fast!  Last weekend April & Jason came to pick up a number of pieces of furniture.  Then yesterday my parents took a pile of boxes and some more furniture.  It's strange to see all of the gaps in the apartment and our choices in places to sit are dwindling fast!  But we both find it less overwhelming to think of packing up all our stuff with more if it gone already and it will leave less work for us to do at the end of July.  So thank you to my family for your help!

The volunteer visa applications are in.  Now we have to wait for them to be processed.  The hope is that in about a month we'll be able to pick up our visas in Chicago.  We can stay in Israel for about 3 months as tourists, so the visas would give us permission for the whole year without any trouble.  Hopefully everything goes smoothly with that.

Not a whole lot else to report on our plans.  Just lots of decisions as we choose what to pack to take with us, store, donate, or just throw away.  If you know me at all you'll know that decisions are not one of my strengths.  We've had some nice breaks from figuring all that out, though.  This weekend we got to meet our little nephew Lewis up in Madison.  We also saw Joy before she headed off for training for her mission trip and had time to visit with my parents.  Next weekend we're going to Houston, Texas for the 4th of July and to visit our friends Jeff & Melissa.  It's going to be hot!  But the summer heat up here has been preparing us :) 

Does anyone have any good packing or storing tips to share? 


  1. Hi my name is Sarah Knaack. I live in Hamburg, NY. I am a middle child. You may not have my social security number. He carries it a little bit.

  2. Yay for trip to Houston! I have central air conditioning and will fan you upon request. Can't wait to see you soon.

  3. Packing tips:

    - Airlines will gouge you with checked-bag fees, and in some cases, even carry-on-bag fees. Minimize your bag use by wearing enormous cargo pants and taping items securely to your body.

    - You want your clothes to be their freshest when you arrive at your destination. Once you have them packed, pour baking soda all over them.
